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  The Pearlfishers - Love And Other Hopeless Things (2019)
  Категория: Музыка/Клипы   |  Добавил: Гость  
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Исполнитель: The Pearlfishers
Название диска: Love And Other Hopeless Things
Лейбл: © © 2019 Marina Records
Страна: Scotland
Жанр: Indie Pop
Год выпуска: 2019
Количество треков: 11
Формат: MP3
Качество: 320 kbps
Время звучания: 00:42:15
Размер файла: 100,48 МБ


01 – Love & Other Hopeless Things
02 – Could Be a Street Could Be a Saint
03 – You’ll Miss Her When She’s Gone
04 – You Can Take Me There
05 – Once I Lived in London
06 – One for the Bairns
07 – A Walk into the Blue Night
08 – A Woman On The Verge Of Becoming A Cyclist
09 – Sometimes It Rains in Glasgow
10 – I Couldn’t Stop the Tide
11 – Another Sunflower

They’re back – and they’re back with a bang! Five years after their last album Open Up Your Colouring Book, Glasgow’s magnificent Pearlfishers return with a brand new album. It’s their eighth on Marina Records – a superb comeback full of masterful, classic pop music, driven by main man David Scott’s exceptional songwriting and arrangements. The album kickstarts with its beautiful title track – a song in the tradition of British songwriters like Paddy McAloon and Michael Head – about ordinary people dreaming and drowning in the big city. “Another foggy Monday morning / Sail the ferry to town / And think of all the people’s dreams...”. The song is led by a Bacharach-like flugel horn motif played by Colin Steele who recorded an entire album of Pearlfishers songs in terrific jazz arrangements: Diving For Pearls. Love and Other Hopeless Things also features a beautiful string quartet which recalls the graceful understatement of George Martin’s classic pop arrangements.

David Scott, guitars, bass, piano, keyboards, mandolin, vocals
Jamie Gash, drums, backing vocals
Becci Wallace, vocals
Stuart Kidd, backing vocals
Madaleine Pritchard, backing vocals
Stefanie Black, backing vocals
Mr Derek Star, percussion
Dee Bahl, bass
Colin Steele, trumpet, flugelhorn
Susan Appelbe, cello
Katie Rush, violin

Просмотров: 114
  |  22.09.2024 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | | Теги: Pearlfishers, Hopeless, mp3, indie, and, love, Other, the, Things, 2019, pop
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